These gorgeous little truffles are a nutritious no-bake treat.
Due to the pistachios and matcha your antioxidants intake is taken to a whole different level. Matcha has 137 times the antioxidants of brewed green tea!
Besides being high in antioxidants these truffles are high in fibre, protein, lauric acid, potassium, vitamins B6 and C and good fats, they are also an excellent source of manganese and copper.

- 100g Pistachio nuts (unsalted and peeled)
- 100g Cashew or Macadamia nuts
- 100g Dessicated Coconut
- 1 tsp Matcha powder
- 2 tblsp Stevia Erylite
- 3 tblsp Coconut Oil (meted)
- 3 tblsp Freshly squeezed lemon juice
- Rind from 1 lemon (grated)
- Extra dessicated coconut for rolling
Blitz the Stevia Erylite to powder in a Nutribullet (2 seconds) or any other food processer you may have. This is to insure that there is no grittiness left as there’s no cooking involved. Then blitz pistachios and cashews as well (in smaller batches if necessary). In a bowl combine everything except the lemon rind. Mix the lemon rind and some coconut flakes on a flat plate . Scoop out some of the pistachio mixture with a teaspoon into your hand and roll into balls of desired size, then coat them in the lemon and coconut mixture by rolling the balls on the plate. Refrigerate for an hour. Voila!
You can keep them refrigerated in an air-tight container for up to a week.